Sunday, August 23, 2009


His First Bath!

Nua-ing beside my mum

Trying to get her to protect him.. (he hates taking pictures and being carried.. wonder why?)

Him sleeping in his bed..

My very very cute Chihuahua puppy!!
Named him Colee.. lol

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I like these lyrics..
I think they are very meaningful..

If only things were this simple
I wish I could disappear
And everything will be gone in a moment
If only humans do have a heart
We wouldn't bleed when we're injured
Nor cry when we are sad

See? So nice... the song itself is really nice too..
And I'm quite surprised that 小鬼 can sing so well..
I know he was from some boyband in the past.. But I haven't heard any of his songs. Well, even if I did, I wouldn't remember.. >.<

And only now do I know his real name..

Well, he's gonna have a mini album soon.
I hope he comes to Singapore. Then I can go see him.
And I don't have to worry about squeezing with people.. Because I don't think he is as popular as
Not saying that he's not popular at all or something.. But just saying that he may not be as popular as Show.
But I like both of them nonetheless. =D

Shall go back and listen to his songs now~

Monday, August 03, 2009

Is it so hard to follow simple instructions?
What is wrong with the world?
Too slow to react?
Or rather, just plain lazy?

You knew I was doing work.
You had to switch off the router.
What are you? Stupid?
I think not.
You are just not happy cuz the desktop's screwed.
And that Shawn did not come up.
Well even if he did, there's nothing he can do..
The fucking desktop won't even start-up.
Okay, maybe I'm assuming here.
Maybe you didn't switch off the router.
Maybe it was somebody else.
Fine. Then forget those words I said up there because then, it doesn't matter to you.

What the hell is wrong with everybody?
Is it just me?
Am I just PMSing?
Or am I growing up and seeing how childish people can be.
Or is everybody changing and that we are growing apart.
Or is it cuz I'm just so immune to things, that I don't really bother to make new friends, to talk to people, to listen to people, to think about people.
I may very well just be a moving flesh without thoughts.
Without a mind of my own, without being able to make decisions.
I just keep everything inside.
Because I realised, sometimes, the more people know something, the more you are going to suffer.
They may say that they are helping you, trying to comfort you, but in reality (and they may not know it themselves), is that they are hurting you.
Bit by bit, part by part, organ by organ, cell by cell....
Until you are wasted away, rotted till all that's left is your skeleton.
And then maybe, people will think about you, regret hurting you, and hope they treated you better.

It's just another one of those nights where I think about how evil human beings can be.
So evil that they themselves, do not know it.