Wednesday, August 01, 2007


just came back from my grandfather's wake..
darling was there to pei me!
though i was praying about all the time
thank you soooo much!!!
my greatest love!!
read my sister's blog
i'm really tired cuz of praying and stuff
but i still have to do this..

My dear little sister,
I would like you to know that we (me and mummy and eveyone else)
I do not know why would you have this kind of thoughts.
It's very wrong..
Why we are so angry with you nowadays is because it's ah gong's funeral
and i know you are really not feeling well
BUT when mummy gave you money to go see doctor
you just told her "not enough money"
somehow that message became another meaning to us, especially mummy
it meant to her as " $xx not enough money to see doctor"
but what you actually mean is "not enough money le, don't spend"
well i just want to tell you that this kind of money must be spent
we wouldn't want you to get really sick and become weaker and weaker by the minute

another thing that makes us upset is that whenever you
agree to something, you always back out at the last minute
(at least this few days you were doing it)
that is why we are so upset with you because what you are doing is very irresponsible
i know you are really not feeling well..
i can see it in your face
but since we gave you some cash to go see doctor
you should..
it's only that way then you can get better
and then can do what you've promised..

I really hoped that you understand what is going on.
tomorrow is the last day when you can see ah gong..
i really hope you are well enough to go..
Please understand okay?

*don't keep thinking of moving out.. it will not be healthy for you in the long run..
trust me, I won't lie to you..

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