Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I've chanced upon a kindergarden girl with her mum at the interchange today
girl was talking to mum in chinese
while mum was talking to other mum in english
girl: mummy you give birth to more babies leh...
eat a lot a lot then tummy grow big big
then got baby liao..
mum: blah blah blah (mummy talk ^^)

i was pretty amused at the little girl
and she reminds me of my younger self
don't we all feel that being young and naive and innocent is great?
when we were younger, we don't usually get 'the silent treatment'
from parents, instead we just kena scolding
that is good, i mean at least you know where went wrong and will make
a mental note not to repeat it.
Now however, we either get silent treatment or we just hear our parents giving
us pep talks and everything.. sometimes getting naggy..

another thing is schooling..
when we were younger, school always seem fun
and we would all be looking forward to go to school! (ok maybe not all but most..)
we would go to school to play with friends
and play with teachers and even homework is all very simple
and easy and fun!
oh how i miss my kindergarden school times..
Now as we grow older we are 'forced' to study
we have compulsory maths, science, social studies and blah blah blah
the list goes on... then if someday we decide we don't like
school, we realise that getting out of schol is not easy
there are many things we have to consider our parents feelings
then we have to think of our siblings as we sometimes need to show
good example
then our relatives will come
then teachers then counsellors then principals!! (people listed are no in order of appearing)

Well i just posted a random post cuz the
little girl made me think of this and chloe's blog made me
wanna write this out as well..

anyways, ate kimchi soup today
cooked by my mum..
reaaly good... but i'm not exactly healthy (meaning sick lah)
so i really shouldn't drink it.. but i did anyway
i don't know what to write le.. shall end here...


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