hehe... haven't been blogging for a record number of time...
it's because there's really nothing much to blog about right now in my life.
it's just hectic. and by hectic, i mean really hectic.
my family caught the 'spring cleaning' bug. and so off we went to scrub the floors
then after scrubbing the living room, i scrubbed my room and packed all my bags properly.
they were in a mess. after cleaning my room, it looks sooo clean that i don't wanna step out of it.
LOL.. you can imagine how clean it was compared to its previous look.
then, arounf the same time, my darling's mum went to japan.
HOKKAIDO MAN! i also wanna go... it's snowing and the snow is almost knee high!
it's like in the middle of your ankle and your knee. imagine how high that is.
darling and his brothers miss their mummy. i know darling misses his mum a lot
cuz every night when they talk on the phone, darling would be very happy and excited.
well to the extent that i feel that i don't exist. but it's ok. if it was me, i'd probably do the same.
it's christmas! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
shall start posting pictures now...
lots of random pictures. i wanted to put up pictures i took during 5566's autograph session but darling said no.
he said "don't put up lah. later people steal and leech then you know"
i thought "yeah it's not fair if i have to queue for so long to get such nice pictures and ppl juz leech" bleah so i won't post them up. ask me if you wanna see then maybe i'll consider.
here are the pics!
This is albee trying to sleep and this is lassie acting cute.
My christmas tree my sister's santa claus
Lassie trying to get a tan.
My brother's birthday cake. (his birthday is on the 18th of dec)
Log cake number 1 Log cake number 2
there. the pictures i took with my new phone.
some look really nice but some (i feel) really looks bad cuz of the quality.
and it's supposed to be a 2 megapixels camera. it's so different from my darling's ex N70.
it's also a 2 megapixel camera but the picture quality is damn nice i tell you.
right. i'll be going to genting soon. try not to miss me too much kaes?
i won;t be blogging till i come back i think.
i'll promise to take loads of pictures! and post them!
in the meantime, enjoy your holidays!
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