Friday, May 09, 2008

Another random qn and my ans to previous qn

Few people have been asking me whether things are going fine between me and dar..
My answer is YES!
My darling and I are still very loving, and I realised that I'm loving him more each day.
He surprised me these few days.
Cuz usually when i do something wrong, he will scold me and get very angry
(It's natural de lah... if it was your friends or someone close to you who did something wrong, you would be angry too...)
But these 2 days, he was very patient with me and didn't scold me at all!!!
I was very scared of making mistakes cuz I didn't want to get scolding from him...
But when i made mistakes these 2 days, he didn't scold me..
In fact, he talked to me very nicely and didn't blame me!!!
I love him so so so much!!

Oh about my previous post, it's just a lame attempt to get more activities from my readers...
I really do hope that you'll comment and answer my question....

Here's my answer:

Well, it depends on some things..
For example, if the girl was just toing with her boyfriend's feelings, then i think it's ok for her to like another guy... (BUT IT'S WRONG TO TOY WITH PEOPLE'S FEELINGS!!!)
Or if the guy doesn't treat her good, then it's only natural that she'll fall for someone who treats her well, right?
And yes, he/she should let the other half know...
He/she cannot two-time!!
It's bad... real bad...
And vice-versa...

Then again, there shouldn't be any reason for anyone to like somebody else if they are in a relationship.
Because being in a relationship is supposed to be a treasured thing between 2 people and if either 1 breaks that trust, it's bad...
Thing is, if you really love some that much to be in a relationship with him/her, you wouldn't have eyes for another person and your whole* life will be revolving around your other half...
Of course you can have friends and such but you wouldn't fall in love for another...
Your heart cannot be cut into pieces and be shared among different people...

*Whole = only implies to the time you're with your partner... not literally your WHOLE life...

There's my answer to the question...

Here's another:

Would you ask someone to be your girlfriend/boyfriend or even husband/wife if you found out that he/she isn't a virgin. Why?

Once again please comment.. Thanks!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings, good question...

See my tag? That's my answer.

Yes, I will. I have. And I'm going to. Why not?

I love her. That's all that matters to me.