Thursday, February 04, 2010

My birthday

It is that time of the year again.

My birthday ..

I used to be all excited about it. cuz it means I get presents, wishes and great company.

But I grow older each year.

I think differently each year.

And suddenly, it doesn't feel so significant anymore.

Right now, I just want to get it over and done with.

What happened to the "Happy" in "Happy Birthday"?

As people grow older, do they not find birthdays happy anymore?

Are we supposed to feel like that?

As we mature, are we supposed to remove happiness in everything?

As we grow up, are we supposed to be serious and think of the serious things (money, job, marriage partners...)

When I was younger, all I thought about was games, friends and the occasional stress on homework.

All these changed when my age became 2 digits.

Even then, I tried to think positive.

I tried to remain happy.

Besides, things couldn't get any worse right?


As the front number of my age becomes bigger, the back number changes rapidly, my feelings and thoughts change and evolve just as fast.

I wish time would stop.

Stop when I was the happiest, the most innocent, the most naive.

But I doubt it will stop.

Time is cruel like that. It doesn't stop for anybody. You lose it, it's your problem.

Once it's gone, it's gone. You're never gonna get it back.

Right now, I just wish time would fast forward.

Till the day I die.

Then I wouldn't have all these feelings inside.

Anyway, last day of internship is tomorrow.

Application for Universities has started.

NUS ends 21 Feb, NTU ends 28 Feb, SMU ends 8 Apr.

My grades sucks. I guess I wouldn't get into any Universities.

Besides, who would want someone with borderline grades like me?

Everybody is so superficial. Only looking at grades, papers, qualifications.

Without those, you are nothing.

You are just worthy of cleaning the streets for the "smarter" people.

Well.. If they are so smart, I believe they can clean up after themselves.

Then we don't have to hire cleaners.

I keep going off tangent.

But I'm writing what I'm thinking.

I have random thoughts don't I?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, this is my first time trying this out so...

Anyway, I have to say your post makes a great poem. (*^_^*) What you say makes a lot of sense.

The world is never fair, everyone looks and judges people by the cover even though they went through all the trouble to make the idiom "Never Judge a Book by It's Cover".

Don't give up hope, even if you can't go to NTU or NUS, try Universities in other countries, there are some that will definitely accept you. If you persevere, you will be rewarded.

Happiness will only come to people that yearns for it. That's what I believe.

So stay strong and good luck~~~