Sunday, March 15, 2009

My life

I think that my life is falling apart.

My room's light has gone haywire and I have to resort to using a lamp to act as my source of light.

Let me show you how pathetic it looks like.

So romantic right? lol...

While my table is lighted, the rest of my room looks like this...


But there's something to comfort me and that is.....

Yeah, light from outside.
But what will happen if everybody went to sleep?
The house will be dark again, and I will be left with this pathetic yet romantic lamp to accompany me till I sleep.

Yes. Not only my light is failing me, My adium is also failing.
Well, not only adium but MSN in general.
Actually, I should say, it's my internet connection.
I cannot load stuff.
Even Facebook. An error message will pop up and say
Page not found. Please ensure you typed the address correctly or check that you are connected to the internet.

Screw Starhub. haha.

One more thing that I feel is not up to standard is the BF. lol.
My lights started screwing with me since yesterday.
Wanted to tell the BF what happened. So I bugged him in MSN.
I went..

dardar dardar dardar dardar dardar
Then no reply. So I went on to ask awhile later...
Dardar, What you doing?
He replied...
don lag me.

LOL... So i have been lagging him while he was playing DOTA.
It's okay....
I shall learn to keep to myself.
Oh by the way.
BF, if you happen to see this and get angry, be my guest.
I won't tolerate anymore. (Though I think I haven't actually tolerated much.. lol)
Oh, and since I did nothing wrong. I will not apologise.
But if you do apologise and I still ignore you, then err..........
It's a female's way of acting

Well, I'm not angry or pissed anymore.. I'm just kinda erm...
Not sure how to explain but I just wanna be alone and keep quiet and find random idol dramas to keep me company.

P.S. I'm still jobless. and I desperately need a job, cuz a life without money, is equivalent to a life without a..... actually a life without money is not a life. lol.

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